About 3 weeks ago, the technical lead of one of Gitpod's self-hosted customers messaged me saying:
Hey Simon. I know we have to use Ubuntu for our images, but one of our teams uses a testing framework that only runs on CentOS.
Please help.
What had happened was they had conflated two facts about Gitpod:
- when running a Gitpod installation, you must run Ubuntu on your Kubernetes nodes
- the Gitpod workspace images
use an Ubuntu image (currently
) as the base
However, this doesn't mean that you MUST use Ubuntu. In fact, you can theoretically use any Linux distribution as your base image (except Alpine - see #3356).
Building a CentOS base image
In principal, this is just a question of copying the Ubuntu image and changing all
the apt-get install
commands for yum install
and changing the package names
where relevant.
Take a look at the Dockerfile to see how you could achieve this. There are quite a few packages in here which make it all work:
- bash-completion
- other Unix shells, such as Fish and ZSH
- development tools
- Git and Git LFS
- Docker and Docker Compose
It also creates a gitpod
user with the user ID 33333
and grants it anonymous
Using this in your project
Now we have a base image, we can use this in our project. This is as simple as
defining a custom Docker image in
your .gitpod.yml
. Then you can create a .gitpod.Dockerfile
like this:
FROM ghcr.io/mrsimonemms/gitpod-centos-base-image:latest
### Node.js ###
LABEL dazzle/layer=lang-node
LABEL dazzle/test=tests/lang-node.yaml
USER gitpod
RUN curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.0/install.sh | PROFILE=/dev/null bash \
&& bash -c ". .nvm/nvm.sh \
&& nvm install $NODE_VERSION \
&& nvm alias default $NODE_VERSION \
&& npm install -g typescript yarn node-gyp" \
&& echo ". ~/.nvm/nvm-lazy.sh" >> /home/gitpod/.bashrc.d/50-node
# above, we are adding the lazy nvm init to .bashrc, because one is executed on interactive shells, the other for non-interactive shells (e.g. plugin-host)
COPY --chown=gitpod:gitpod nvm-lazy.sh /home/gitpod/.nvm/nvm-lazy.sh
ENV PATH=$PATH:/home/gitpod/.nvm/versions/node/v${NODE_VERSION}/bin
USER gitpod
You will need to copy nvm-lazy.sh into your project. You could also use a cURL command to download it from GitHub, but I couldn't be bothered for a simple app.
Once you've done that, your workspace is ready for development in Gitpod
Further work
If you're having to use this for multiple projects, you will most probably want to create either a workspace-full equivalent (or whatever languages you want to support). Creating a standalone image and publishing it to your own Docker registry isn't covered here, but isn't any more difficult than creating a Docker image.
- CentOS Base Image: a Gitpod CentOS base image you can use yourselves
- CentOS Node Example: an example GitHub repository with a Node application
Photo by Brett Jordan